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. 2019 Oct 10;2(2):e15153. doi: 10.2196/15153

Table 1.

Demographic, spina bifida, and health characteristics (N=29).

Characteristics Adolescents and young adults with spina bifida
Age (years), mean (SD); range 18.11 (4.55); 13-30
Sex, n (%)

Male 12 (41.4)

Female 17 (58.6)
Race/ethnicity, n (%)

African American 2 (6.9)

Asian 2 (6.9)

Caucasian 21 (72.4)

Hispanic 4 (13.8)

Other a
Spina bifida type, n (%)

Myelomeningocele 20 (69.0)

Other 9 (31.0)


Lipomeningocele 1 (3.4)


Unsure 8 (27.6)
Lesion level, n (%)

Thoracic 1 (3.4)

Lumbar 12 (41.4)

Sacral 4 (13.8)

Unsure 12 (41.4)
Shunt present, n (%) 23 (79.3)
Full Scale Intelligence Quotientb, mean (SD); range 84.67 (19.51); 55-132
Personal mobile device, n (%)

Android 10 (34.5)

iOS 18 (62.1)

Did not report 1 (3.4)
Body mass indexc, mean (SD); range 21.84 (4.19); 14.50-32.00
Current weight change attempts, n (%)

Gain 6 (21.4)

Lose 11 (39.3)

Maintain 9 (32.1)

No attempts to change 2 (7.1)

aNot applicable.

bData missing for 5 participants because of not participating in the larger camp-related intervention.

cData missing for 7 participants because of not responding about height and/or weight.