Figure 4.
CLSTN1 shRNA affects dendritic morphology. (A) Representative images of Dil-stained neurons after transfection with CLSTN1 shRNA or CLSTN1 CTR. Each photograph represents a 20-μm-long dendritic segment, n = 12. (B) Categories of spine morphology, mushroom (spines with a large bulbous head; the spine head diameter is at least 1.5 μm and larger than the spine neck diameter); thin (filopodia-like protrusions; diameters of the spine and neck are nearly equal, and spine length is greater than spine width); stubby (short spines without a well-defined spine neck); branched (spines with more than one head). (C–E) Quantifications of dendritic morphology, spine length and spine number. CLSTN1 shRNA affects dendritic morphology. Data are shown as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compared to CLSTN1 CTR.