Fig. 3: MBV containing luminal IL-33 activate a pro-remodeling macrophage phenotype (F4/80+iNOS−Arg+) via a non-canonical ST2-independent pathway.
(A, B) Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages (BMDM) harvested from wt (A) or st2−/− (B) mice were untreated (control) or treated with the following test articles for 24 hours: IFNɣ+LPS, IL-4, IL-33, MBV isolated from decellularized wt mouse intestine (IL33+ MBV), MBV isolated from decellularized il33−/− mouse intestine (IL33- MBV), or MBV isolated from porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS MBV). Cells were immunolabeled with F4/80 (macrophage marker), iNos (M1 marker), or Arg1 (M2 marker). (C) Quantification of iNOS immunolabeling (** indicates p < 0.01; compared to negative control, error bars represent SEM, n=3 biological replicates analyzed in triplicate). (D) Quantification of arginase immunolabeling (**indicates p < 0.01; * indicates p < 0.05 compared to negative control, error bars represent SEM, n=3 biological replicates analyzed in triplicate).