Across all seizures, an increase in the firing rate of inhibitory interneurons occurs at sites of low-voltage fast (LVF) spread. (A) Time–frequency plot of the mean normalized power (top) and variance (bottom) prior to and during LVF onset in the local field potential of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) across seizures. (B) Aligned raster plot of 62 units (7 patients, 7 seizures). The seizures are aligned to the onset of LVF activity (dashed vertical line). Excitatory neurons in the non-SOZ are shown in blue; inhibitory neurons in the NSOZ are shown in red. Note that LVF onset ended at different times for each microelectrode recording. LA = left amygdala; LEC = left entorhinal cortex; LPHG = left parahippocampal gyrus; RA = right amygdala; RAH = right anterior hippocampus; REC = right entorhinal cortex; RMH = right middle hippocampus; RPH = right posterior hippocampus.