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. 2019 Oct 18;69:5–16. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0023

Table 3.

Summary of main findings of reviewed articles.

Source Task Data aquisition Main findings
Bideau et al., 2004 intercepting randomly presented throws motion capture system (Vicon370) Modified throws produced significant differences in the goalkeepers’ movements while identical throws caused identical gestures.
Brault et al., judge final running direction gamepad Experts are attuned to honest signals that specify future running direction; novices are more attuned to deceptive signals.
2012 judge final running direction, ‘tackle’ the attacker gamepad Experts were able to guide their actions to successfully intercept the attacking player.
Brault et al., 2015 intercept different free kick conditions motion capture system (Vicon370) A wall of 5 players is the best choice a soccer goalkeeper must have.
Campbell and Moran, 2014 golf green‐reading eye‐gaze binocular eye tracker (LC Technologies 2005) Distinctive periods of visual perceptual– cognitive activity may be evident in athletes’ pre‐performance routines—as they ‘‘toured’’ the environment in which skill execution was required.
Cortese et al., 2011 a sidestep cutting task, running stop‐ jump motion capture system (Vicon), Bertec Force Plates (Model 4010) Novel visualization software may (1) imitate the demands of a practice/game situation in a laboratory environment; (2) use a realistic scenario similar to what participants experience in their daily routine when compared to light and arrows stimulus.
Covaci et al., 2012 shoot free throws survey, visual observation Professional players obtained in the VE results similar to the real environment; simulator can be used for beginners as an interesting and stimulating tool to learn.
Craig et al., 2006 judge if ball ended up in the goal or not computer mouse Visual system is not attuned to such accelerated motion, which may explain why goalkeepers appear to misjudge the future arrival point of such curved free kicks.
Craig et al., 2009 judge whether the ball would have entered the goalmouth or not computer mouse An analysis of potential informational variables that could explain these results points to the use of a first‐order compound variable combining optical expansion and optical displacement.
Dessing et al., 2010 saving a ball head tacker (Intersense motion IS‐900), hand tracker (Microtrax Intersense) Goalkeepers’ movements were influenced by spin direction, reflecting the limited sensitivity to visual acceleration of the human visual system. Given the complexity of real‐life free‐ kick situations, goalkeepers cannot always fully compensate for this limitation.
Gray et al., 2007 hitting the ball Fastrak (Polhemus) position tracker Empirical proof for intuition was not found, nor a theoretical account of how predictions were made.
Ouadahia et al., 2016 pumping exercise sailboard simulator VR apparatus improved performance and acted like a motivation enhancer.
Petri 2018 et al., autonomous observation character of the questionnaires IPQ and SSQ Karate athletes prefer a HMD over a CAVE.
Ranganatha n et al., 2007 verbal predictions to pitcher, hitting the virtual ball camera motion‐ analysis system (Motion Analysis) The prediction accuracy of expert batters is primarily associated with visual information of the ball rather than the movement pattern of the pitcher.
Tornese et al., 2011 passive whole‐body rotations bitemporal DC‐ coupled electrooculograp hy (Toennies) The adopted VR technique was easy to perform in the usual off‐ice training context, and can be proposed as a low‐cost well‐tolerated approach also for specific training of patients with poor balance at least when oculomotor performance has to be optimized.
Tsai et al., 2017 Tyreman et al., 2007 executing a tactical task goaltender reactions to shots camera, questionnaire video camera The user can practice in VR anytime even when there is no coach, no sufficient trainees, or no empty basketball court. Goaltenders responses are based on the shot type and reading the puck as it leaves the players stick, then plotting an intercept.
Vignais et al., 2009 saving the virtual shot motion capture system (Vicon) Elite goalkeepers perform similarly for all graphical levels of a virtual throwing action but kinematics differs for level 3 and 4.
Vignais et al., 2015 saving the virtual shot motion capture system (Vicon) Analysis of visual information uptake for handball goalkeepers was better performed using a VR‐based methodology.