MYBS2 represses αAmy expression and promoter activities through the TA box. (A) Seedlings of sWT, MYBS2 (full-length or truncated) Ox and Ri lines were cultured in −S medium for 10 d. Total RNAs were extracted from leaves and used for qRT-PCR analysis using αAmy3-specific primers. (B and C) Rice embryos were cotransfected with effector and reporter plasmids, incubated in −S medium for 24 h, before assaying for luciferase activity. The value for luciferase activity of the reporter construct in the absence of the effector was set to 1×, and all other values were calculated relative to this value. Error bar indicates the SE for 3 replicate experiments. (B) Effector constructs. (C) Luciferase activities of in rice embryos carrying reporter constructs aAmy3-35Smp:Luc and 6xTA-35Smp:Luc in the presence of effector constructs. Asterisks indicate significant differences (Student’s t test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).