Fig. 5.
Strateg for the OE and RNAi of pal genes in P. ostreatus. a The structure of the pal1 OE vector. b The structure of the pal2 OE vector. c Schematic representation of the OE vector based on the A. tumefaciens right and left borders. On the left side, the hygR cassette is driven by the lac promoter. On the right side, the PAL OE cassette is driven by the P. ostreatus gpd promoter. d The structure of the pal1 gene RNAi vector. e The structure of the pal2 gene RNAi vector. f Schematic representation of the RNAi vector based on the A. tumefaciens right and left borders. On the left side, the HygR cassette is driven by the lac promoter. On the right side, the pal RNAi cassette (pal-RNAiF and pal-RNAiR) is driven by the P. ostreatus gpd promoter