Fig. 5.
CACNA1S antibody immunoprecipitates and detects GPR179 in mouse retina. (A) Western blot for GPR179 from retinal lysates (lanes 1 and 2) and after immunoprecipitation with CACNA1S antibody (lanes 3 and 4). GPR179 is present in WT retina lysates, as well as two other nonspecific bands (*). After immunoprecipitation with CACNA1S antibody, immunoblotting for GPR179 detects a protein at the predicted size of GPR179 (note the nonspecific bands are now absent). Lysates from Gpr179Nob5 mice (Nob5) are used as a negative control for GPR179. (B) Immunoblotting for CACNA1S in retina lysates and after immunoprecipitation with GPR179 antibodies. The CACAN1S antibody fails to detect any robust expression in WT or Nob5 (lanes 1 and 2) retina lysates. After immunoprecipitation with antibodies to GPR179, the CACNA1S antibody detects a band of ~250 kDa (the predicted size of GPR179) in WT retina but not Nob5 retinas (lanes 3 and 4). Lysates from heart were used as a positive control for the CACNA1S antibody (lane 5).