# |
Query |
Results |
S65 |
S54 AND S64 |
3,543 |
S64 |
S55 or S56 or S57 or S58 or S59 or S60 or S61 or S62 or S63 |
Display |
S63 |
TI (singl* or doubl* or tripl* or trebl*) and TI (blind* or mask*) |
Display |
S62 |
AB (singl* or doubl* or tripl* or trebl*) and AB (blind* or mask*) |
Display |
S61 |
AB (random* or trial or placebo*) or TI (random* or trial or placebo*) |
Display |
S60 |
MH Quantitative Studies |
Display |
S59 |
MH Placebos |
Display |
S58 |
MH Random Assignment |
Display |
S57 |
MH Clinical Trials+ |
Display |
S56 |
PT Clinical Trial |
Display |
S55 |
"randomi?ed controlled trial" or PT randomized controlled trial |
Display |
S54 |
S5 AND S27 AND S35 AND S53 |
22,788 |
S53 |
S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 OR S48 OR S49 OR S50 OR S51 OR S52 |
789,958 |
S52 |
TX (GPs or GPSI or GPwSI) |
5,759 |
S51 |
TX ((nurse* or nursing) N2 (practice* or practitioner* or prescriber*)) |
163,450 |
S50 |
TX ((family or primary or general or community) N2 (pharmacist* or physician* or doctor* or practitioner* or healthcare*)) |
63,366 |
S49 |
TX ((home* or visit* or preventive* or general or family or primary or community) N3 (health or practice* or medicine or physician* or nursing or pharmacy or program* or service* or care)) |
461,327 |
S48 |
TX health promotion |
93,464 |
S47 |
(MH "Health Promotion+") |
41,722 |
S46 |
(MH "Community Health Centers+") |
3,875 |
S45 |
(MH "Community Medicine") |
100 |
S44 |
"Primary care nursing" |
239 |
S43 |
"Preventive Health Services" |
215 |
S42 |
(MH "Community Mental Health Services+") |
8,330 |
S41 |
(MH "Community Health Nursing+") |
24,882 |
S40 |
(MH "Community Health Services+") |
282,870 |
S39 |
(MH "Home Health Care+") |
35,210 |
S38 |
(MH "Physicians, Family") |
10,534 |
S37 |
(MH "Family Practice") |
13,037 |
S36 |
(MH "Primary Health Care") |
38,524 |
S35 |
S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 |
260,013 |
S34 |
TX ((coocur$ or co‐ocur$ or coexist$ or co‐exist$ or multipl$) N3 (disease? or ill$ or care or condition? or disorder$ or health$ or medication$ or symptom$ or syndrom$)) |
219 |
S33 |
TX ((chronic* or elderly or age*) N3 (disease* or ill* or care or condition? or disorder* or health* or medication* or syndrom* or symptom* or chronic*)) |
207,000 |
S32 |
(MH "Chronic Disease") |
36,416 |
S31 |
TX ((concomit* or concurren* or multi* or multiple) N3 (ill* or condition* or morbidit* or syndrom* or disorder* or disease*)) |
17,150 |
S30 |
TX (multidisease* or multi‐disease* or multimorbidit* or comorbid* or multi‐morbidit* or co‐morbid*) |
51,501 |
S29 |
(MH "Polypharmacy") |
2,365 |
S28 |
(MH "Comorbidity") |
30,417 |
S27 |
S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 |
660,109 |
S26 |
TX ((patient* or consumer* or user* or carer* or caregiver* or client* or famil* or lay*) N3 (partner* or participat* or centre* or center* or communicat* or consult* or decision* or deliberation* or co#design* or involv* or contribut* or role* or empower* or engag* or collab* or advoca* or organi#ation* or respons* or question* or educat* or inform* or train* or shar* or joint or choice* or preference*)) |
620,182 |
S25 |
(MH "Patient Centered Care") |
18,385 |
S24 |
(MH "Consumer Participation") |
12,197 |
S23 |
"Community Participation" |
882 |
S22 |
S16 AND S21 |
73,996 |
S21 |
S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 |
337,406 |
S20 |
"Friends" |
9,930 |
S19 |
(MH "Family+") |
137,904 |
S18 |
(MH "Caregivers") |
22,491 |
S17 |
(MH "Patients+") |
196,044 |
S16 |
S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 |
464,650 |
S15 |
((share or shared or sharing or support* or inform* or making or behavior* or aid*) N2 (decision* or deciding or choice*)) |
94,478 |
S14 |
TX consensus or partnership* |
47,038 |
S13 |
(MH "Group Processes+") |
157,942 |
S12 |
(MH "Communication+") |
166,424 |
S11 |
(MH "Cooperative Behavior") |
3,769 |
S10 |
(MH "Decision Support Systems, Clinical") |
2,135 |
S9 |
(MH "Decision Support Techniques+") |
4,463 |
S8 |
(MH "Decision Making+") |
72,720 |
S7 |
(MH "Professional‐Patient Relations+") |
63,673 |
S6 |
(MH "Physician‐Patient Relations") |
19,830 |
S5 |
S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 |
811,443 |
S4 |
TX ((old or older or aging or aged or senior or elder*) N3 (person or persons or people or adult* or subject* or patient* or consumer* or male or males or female* or men or women)) |
160,270 |
S3 |
TX (Late life or elder* or aged or old age or geriatric or seniors) |
783,674 |
S2 |
(MH "Aging+") |
28,816 |
S1 |
(MH "Aged+") |
434,411 |