IONzymes destruct hemagglutination activity of IAVs. (A) HA titer of IONzyme-treated IAVs (H5N1 SY strain). (B) NA activity of IONzyme-treated IAVs. FI, fluorescence intensity. (C, D, E) HA titer of lipoxidase (C, Sigma, L7395), or peroxidase (D, HRP, Solarbio, P8020), or catalase (E, Beyotime, S0082)-treated IAVs, under 2 h, 37 ℃, neutral pH. (F, G) Antiviral activity of IONzymes against envelope virus and non-enveloped virus. Different concentrations of IONzymes were mixed with NDV (F, representative envelope virus) and PCV-2 (G, representative non-enveloped virus) for 2 h. The magnet was placed under the pipes to pull down IONzymes and then supernatant was collected to detect HA titer of NDV and the number of PCV2-infected PK15 cells by immunofluorescence assay. Each dot represents the total number of infected cells obtained from one image (n=6). Horizontal lines across the scatter plot represent mean values. All experiments were repeated in triplicate with a representative image shown. Results are as means±s.d. Statistical significance is assessed by unpaired Student's two-sided t-test to the control group. **P<0.01. NS represents no significant difference.