CTX-Kmφ infection of V. cholerae is inhibited by recombinant TcpB and anti-TcpB antibodies.
A, V. cholerae WT (O395) and ΔtcpA and ΔtcpB strains were incubated with buffer or recombinant TcpB (ΔN-TcpB), rabbit anti-TcpB antibody(64–78), BSA, or anti-CofJ antibody; then transduced with CTX-Kmφ; and plated on LB-Km plates. The number of cfu/ml for each infection is reported (n = 3); error bars represent the S.E. B, V. cholerae WT was incubated with three different forms of recombinant TcpB: ΔN-TcpB (residues 25–423), TcpB-C (residues 243–423), and TcpB-pilin (residues 25–228); then transduced with CTX-Kmφ; and plated on LB-Km plates. cfu/ml was calculated for each infection as for A.