Fig. 5.
Perception of Motivation. Mean Differences between TEA300, CAFF300, COMBO, and PLA from Baseline to 90 min Post-Treatment in Perception of Motivation.CAFF300, 300 mg of caffeine; TEA300, 300 mg of TeaCrine®; COMBO, 150 mg of caffeine and 150 mg of TeaCrine®; PLA, 300 mg of placebo. TEA300-PLA, TEA300 vs. PLA; CAFF300-TEA300, CAFF300 vs. TEA300; COMBO-TEA300, COMBO vs. TEA300; CAFF300-PLA, CAFF300 vs. PLA; COMBO-PLA, COMBO vs. PLA; CAFF300-COMBO, CAFF300 vs. COMBO; cm, centimeters. *denotes significantly different (p < 0.05). Data presented as mean/percent change (95% CI)