Figure 2: Evaluation of enteroid/colonoid monolayer differentiation.
(A) EdU (red) incorporation demonstrates a progressive loss of proliferation during jejunal monolayer differentiation. (B) Average TER measurements in confluent jejunal monolayers in expansion or differentiation medium. Error bars represent SEM. UD, undifferentiated; DF, differentiated. Numbers correspond to days under the specified condition; UD1 was the first day of confluency, approximately 1 week after seeding. (C) UD jejunal monolayers have broad, shorter cells and a less-mature apical actin-based brush border than DF day 5 jejunal monolayers. Scale bar (A, C) = 50 μm. All monolayers were depicted at least 1-week post-seeding and were confluent prior to beginning differentiation.