Figure 16. Web application.
The figure displays the home page of the web application that allows users to compare the degradation profile of the bloodstream form (BSF) and polycyclic form (PCF) proteins identified in this work. The web application displays on the left side a Selection Table that lists the protein identifiers (pId), the protein descriptors (Desc), the half-life values for the BSF and PCF cells, and the MaxQuant protein group id (pGid). The table is searchable and sortable by all of the columns using the input box Search. A mouse click on a protein id loads new data and updates the plots and table on the right side of the web application. The upper right part of the web application displays two plots (Plots) reporting the normalized protein degradation values and fitted curves for the selected protein in BSF and PCF cells. The bottom right part of the web application reports the BSF and PCF parameters of the best fit (Amplitude, Tau and Offset), the protein half-life value (Half-Life) and the model error (RMSE) for the selected protein.