Nuts and Seeds |
almonds, cashews, flax seeds, nuts, seeds, walnuts, tree nuts, trail nuts |
Legumes and Soy |
legumes, peanuts butter, peanuts, soy beans, tofu |
Vegetables |
fried potatoes, leafy greens, onions, other vegetables, potatoes, vegetables, green beans |
Grains |
whole grains, refined grains, mixed grains, refined cereals, mixed cereals |
Oils and Added Fats |
added fats and liquid fats: margarine spread or stick with vegetable oil or soybean oil, almond
oil, canola oil, cocoa butter oil, coconut oil, corn and canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, hazelnut oil, palm oil, peanut oil, nutmeg butter oil, poppy seed oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, shea nut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, tea seed oil, tomato seed oil, vegetable oil, walnut oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil |
Olives and avocados |
olives and avocados |
Fruits |
berries, dried fruits, fruits, fruit juice |