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. 2016 Nov 17;31(5):e22097. doi: 10.1002/jcla.22097

Table 4.

Application of partitioning criteria to glycemic markers in age

Case Data for subgroup distributions Lahti‐distances partitioning criteria
D (SD) Conclusion for one end
Subgroup1 (20‐39 y) Subgroup2 (40‐59 y) Subgroup3 (60‐79 y) 1 vs 2 2 vs 3 1 vs 3 1 vs 2 2 vs 3 1 vs 3
GA (%)
Lower limit 10.29 10.38 10.22 0.108 0.178 0.084 Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning
Upper limit 13.80 14.27 15.18 0.566 1.011 1.663 Marginal Partitioning Partitioning
Mean±SD# 11.98±0.83 12.20±0.90 12.41±0.99
FA (μmol/L)
Lower limit 217.0 221.5 221.4 0.234 0.005 0.229 Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning
Upper limit 298.0 301.5 301.4 0.182 0.005 0.177 Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning
Mean±SD* 257.1±19.3 258.5±19.2 260.6±19.2
1,5‐AG (μmol/L) male
Lower limit 107.3 114.7 87 0.132 0.450 0.363 Nonpartitioning Marginal Marginal
Upper limit 347.6 378.5 372.5 0.552 0.098 0.445 Marginal Nonpartitioning Marginal
Mean±SD# 228.9±56.0 225.5±61.5 221.8±70.6
Lower limit 80.3 71.4 80.1 0.213 0.163 0.005 Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning Nonpartitioning
Upper limit 242.9 295.9 346.8 1.271 0.951 2.492 Partitioning Partitioning Partitioning
Mean±SD* 156.8±41.7 174.0±53.5 213.0±70.6

Compared variables across three age groups: #P<.001, *P>.05. 1,5‐AG (μmol/L)≈6×1,5‐AG (μg/mL).

The ratio of the distance between reference limit of subgroups and the smaller SD of each subgroup, D. The results are compared with others using Lahti algorithm to judge the need for partitioning: Marginal (the subgroup reference limits at each end of the distribution between 0.25SD to 0.75SD); nonpartitioning, no need for partitioning (the subgroup reference limits at each end of the distribution <0.25SD); partitioning, need for partitioning (the subgroup reference limits at each end of the distribution >0.75SD).

SD, Standard deviations; 1,5‐AG, 1,5‐anhydroglucitol; GA, glycated albumin; FA, fructosamine; 1 VS 2, subgroup1 vs subgroup 2; 2 VS 3, subgroup2 vs subgroup3; 1 VS 3, subgroup1 vs subgroup3.