Correlation of lncRNA IFNG‐AS1, ANRIL and lncRNA ITSN1 relative expression with inflammatory cytokines. lncRNA INFG‐AS1 relative expression was positively correlated with the levels of TNF‐α (A) and IL‐6 (G); no correlation of lncRNA INFG‐AS1 relative level with IL‐1β (D), IL‐8 (J) or IL‐17 (P) was discovered; but a negative correlation of lncRNA INFG‐AS1 expression with IL‐10 was observed (M). And lncRNA ANRIL level was not correlated with TNF‐α (B), IL‐1β (E), IL‐6 (H), IL‐8 (K), IL‐10 (N), or IL‐17 (Q). In addition, no correlation of lncRNA ITSN1 level with TNF‐α (C), IL‐1β (F), IL‐6 (I), IL‐8 (L), IL‐10 (O) or IL‐17 (R) was found. Spearman 2‐way test was used to assess the correlation of lncRNA IFNG‐AS1, lncRNA ANRIL, and lncRNA ITSN1 relative expression with inflammatory cytokines. P < .05 was considered significant