(a) TEM micrograph of a ΔmamY cell with magnetosome chain (black electron-dense magnetite crystals) mispositioned at the negative curvature (100% of cells. N = 126). The model (lower-left corner) indicates the theoretical WT chain position (red-dashed line).
(b) TEM of a WT cell. The magnetosome chain seemingly touches sites of positive curvature (100% of cells. N = 167).
Insets in (a) and (b): magnification of magnetite crystals. Scale bar: 500 nm (inset: 100 nm).
(c-e) Cryo-ET of a WT cell. (c) A 15.7 nm tomographic slice through the center of the cell showing magnetosome vesicles (black-double arrowheads) and magnetite crystals (black arrowhead). Inset: tomographic slice at different z-depth displays magnetosome chain continuity and close proximity to the positively-curved cytoplasmic membrane. Scale bars: 200 nm. (d) 3D-rendering of the tomogram from the cell in (c). Magnetite crystals: red; magnetosome vesicles: yellow; MamK filament: green; Inner and outer membranes: blue. (e) 3D-rendering views from the angle indicated by the red and light-blue arrowheads in (d). Curved-white-dashed lines: membrane projection (approximation, missing wedge). White-curved arrows: magnetosome chain track inside the cell along the positive cytoplasmic membrane curvature.
(f) SEM image of two Mgryph cells (of different length)
highlighting their helical morphology and geodetic axis (red-dashed line). Scale
bars: 500 nm.
(g-j) Cryo-ET of a ΔmamY cell. (g) A 15.7 nm
tomographic slice with the magnetosome chain shifted to the negative membrane
curvature. Inset: tomographic slice of another ΔmamY
cell. Scale bars: 200 nm. (h) 3D-rendering from the tomogram of the
cell from (g). (i) 3D-rendering views -indicated by the red and
light-blue arrowheads in (h)- shows misplacement of the magnetosome chain apart
from the geodetic axis. (j) 3D-rendering and tomogram slice of the
same cell in perspective. White-dashed-straight line in (h) and (j): projection
of the geodetic axis in 2D. Grey-curved arrow in (i -right panel): theoretical
geodetic axis. Similar tomograms (for WT and ΔmamY
strains) have been obtained from at least three experiments using independent
preparations of cells.