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. 2019 Oct 22;10(58):6124–6137. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.27239

Table 4. Gleason Score in relation to localization of scan results and frequency, PSA, PSAdt and PSAvel.

n = 660 GS < 7 (45) GS 7a (115) GS 7b (222) GS 8 (118) GS > 8 (160) Chi2 r, p value
PET/CT positive 20 61 178 107 134 0.284; p < 0.001
AT 9 25 75 52 82 0.226; p < 0.001
Local recurrence 12 30 61 37 48 0.035; n. s.
Metastases 9 41 137 90 120 0.334; p < 0.001
Site of M 0.328; p < 0.001
 Local M 4 35 70 39 55
 Distant M 3 4 34 24 33
 Local and 2 2 33 27 32
 Distant M
Number of M 0.309; p < 0.001
 Single M 4 19 40 24 45
 Multiple M 5 22 97 66 75
Lymph node M 7 33 106 72 81 0.204; p < 0.001
Site of LN M 0.200; p < 0.001
 Local 4 32 79 50 57
 Distant 1 1 5 10 6
 Local and distant 2 0 22 12 18
Bone M 2 8 59 35 78 0.321; p < 0.001
Other M (i. e. lung, soft tissue) 1 2 5 14 7 0.084; p < 0.001
PSA (ng/ml) 0.125; p = 0.005
 < 0.2 3 9 10 11 6
 0.2 to <0.5 8 19 21 9 19
 0.5 to <1 8 11 31 15 16
 1 to < 2 8 17 43 10 23
 2 to <5 10 36 57 23 36
 ≥ 5 8 23 60 50 60
PSAdt (month) p = −0.096; n. s.
 < 6 8 35 67 34 60
 6 to <12 7 22 46 21 33
 ≥ 12 30 58 109 63 67
n = 225 GS < 7(16) GS 7a(40) GS 7b(61) GS 8(30) GS > 8(78) Chi2 r, p value
PSAvel (ng/ml/y) 0.207; n. s.
 < 1 13 24 29 12 34
 1 to <2 0 8 11 3 11
 2 to 5 2 5 7 7 12
 >5 1 3 14 8 2

LN, lymph node; M, metastases; (n), number of patients; data are percentage of patients; p < 0.05 is considered significant; r, Pearson correlation coefficient, PSA, prostate-specific antigen; PSAdt/vel, PSA doubling time/velocity; AT, anti-androgen therapy.