Figure 2.
Altered TCA Cycle Metabolites Correlate with Distinct Genotype-Phenotype Combinations
Heatmaps depicting stratified analyses to determine associations among distinct metabolites and specific phenotypic features within the PTENMUT/SDHWT (A), PTENWT/SDHMUT (B), and PTENWT/SDHWT (C) groups, compared to cases who have identical genotypes, respectively, but who do not have the phenotype of interest. A general logistic regression model was applied with age and gender as covariates. Heatmaps depict TCA cycle metabolites (top label) and significance of associations relative to various phenotypic or genotypic group comparisons (left label). Blue color corresponds to an association with decreased metabolite levels, whereas orange color corresponds to an association with increased metabolite levels. Color intensity corresponds to different thresholds of p value significance (scale on the right). Dark gray (no data) fields indicate the absence of cases fulfilling the corresponding genotype/phenotype combinations.