Figure 3.
Diversity of responses from walking leg MNs of the fifth left thoracic ganglion to stimulation of the ipsi 5-HT cell. (A) Diversity of responses obtained in a single experiment. The 5-HT cell stimulation (stim in gray horizontal bar) elicits a depolarizing response in the intracellularly recorded depressor MN (MN Dep1). Simultaneously, the activity of several other MNs (mean firing frequency, 100 s) was extracted from extracellular recording of the Dep, Lev, and Rem motor nerves to illustrate the diversity of responses elicited by 5-HT cell stimulation: the activity of unit 2 (Dep n unit2) decreases (orange trace); the anterior levator nerve (Lev n) unit 1 presents an increased discharge (blue trace), while unit 2 does not display any change in response (gray trace) to 5-HT cell stimulation. One unit of the remotor nerve presents an increased activity (blue traces). Note that in order to analyze changes in the sensory motor response, CBCO movements were continuously applied. This resulted in “wavelets” in the intracellular recording of the Dep1 MN. (B) From the same experiment, the distribution of excitatory, inhibitory, and no effects was calculated from the changes in mean firing frequency measured for each recorded motor unit. (C) Variety of the changes in firing frequency induced by activation of the 5-HT cell (5-HT response amplitude) in motor units recorded in Pro, Rem, Lev, and Dep motor nerves from the same experiment. Discharge frequency was calculated over 200 s before activation of 5-HT cell (control, in green, in A) and after the end of the stimulation (decrease in orange, increase in blue, and no effect in gray in A).