Analysis of Aggregate-Specific Interactomes
(A) Amyloid-like aggregates were stained with thioflavin T, in SY5Y neuroblastoma cells (top panel) and SY5Y-APPSw cells (bottom panels). Scale bar indicates 10 μm.
(B) Fluorescence intensity was quantified for cells stained with thioflavin-T; significance was determined by one-tailed t tests. Data are shown as mean ± S.E.M.
(C) Graphical view of the insoluble-aggregate interactome of SY5Y-APPSw cells. Node (protein) color is based on degree, the number of interacting partners (see key); the edge (interaction) color indicates whether the observed protein-protein contact is peculiar to SY5Y-APPSw cells (green) or is also present in untransformed (“WT”) SY5Y cells (black).
(D) Venn diagram indicating number of interactions that are specific to SY5Y-APPSw cells, specific to SY5Y, or present in both.
(E) Average spectral hits for observed peptide pairs (total per protein) quantified from SY5Y(WT) and SY5Y-APPSw cross-linking proteomics. “WT + APP” indicates hits for proteins shared by SY5Y(WT) and SY5Y-APPSw (see D).
(F) Proteins (nodes) from the aggregate interactome were categorized based on the number of interacting partners (degree), ranging from hub connectors that connect two to nine hub proteins, to mega-hubs (≥100 partners).