Figure 2.
The migration of HL-60 cells under shear flow is dependent on ICAM-1 concentration and Mac-1 binding: cell traces of HL-60 cells on ICAM-1 at concentrations of 10μg/mL (first column), 5μg/mL (second column), and 2.5μg/mL (third column) under (A) isotype or (B) anti-αM-integrin blocking at a shear rate of 800 s−1 are shown. The traces depicted are the cumulative tracks of two independent experiments and have units of microns. Blue traces indicate cells that traveled downstream (with flow), and red traces indicate cells that traveled upstream (against flow). The direction of flow is from left to right in these traces and has units of microns. (C) The random motility coefficient (μm2/min), (D) the percentage of cells migrating upstream, and (E) the MI of HL-60 cells on varying ICAM-1 concentrations under isotype or anti-αM-integrin blocking at 800 s−1 shear rate are shown. A negative MI indicates migration against the flow (upstream), whereas a positive MI indicates migration with the flow (downstream). HL-60 cells become more motile at lower ICAM-1 concentrations and migrate upstream under Mac-1-blocking conditions. n = 4 independent experiments of at least 50 cells analyzed per experiment. ∗p < 0.05 with respect to isotype conditions.