Correlation of the Variant Allele Frequency with Tumor Size and Outcome of Patients with sMTC
(A) Correlation between the tumor size (cm) and VAF of the driver mutation in sMTC. The comparison considered all mutations (A1), only RET mutations (A2), only the RET M918T mutation (A3), and only RAS mutations (A4). In all cases, except RAS-mutated cases, a statistically significant difference was observed (A1: p < 0.0001; A2: p < 0.0001; A3: p = 0.0013; A4: p = ns).
(B) Correlation between the VAF value (%) of the driver mutations and outcome of patients when considering all mutations (B1), only RET mutations (B2), and only RAS mutations (B3). The differences between the outcome categories were significant between disease-free and metastatic patients in the former two cases (B1: p = 0.003; B2: p = 0.0047; ANOVA), whereas no difference was observed considering only RAS mutations (B3: p = ns). Data are represented as mean ± SEM.