(A) Monocytes and/or macrophages (MOs and/or macrophages) from miR-21-null mice were identified by FACS as CD11bhigh/CD45high cells (magenta gate). MOs and/or macrophages were then sorted on the basis of the GFP signal detected as the upper limit in control (no tumor).
(B) In mice implanted with GL261.palmGFP.H2B.mRFP, a population of GFP-positive MOs and/or macrophages was identified (green gate in the GFP/RFP plot).
(C) Uptake of EV-GFP resulted in the presence of miR-21 in MOs and/or macrophages.
(D) EV-GFP uptake was visualized by imaging flow cytometry using ImageStream. Scale bar, 10 μm.
Data represent three independent experiments and are presented as the mean with SEM (error bars). One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple-comparisons test.