Figure 2.
Left ventricle: Effect of a high salt (HS) diet and anti‐marinobufagenin antibody treatment on ERK1/2, transforming growth factor‐β1 (TGFβ‐1), Mothers Against DPP Homolog (SMAD) 4, mitogen‐activated protein kinase 3 (MAPK3), collagen‐1, and protein kinase C (PKC) δ protein abundance by Western blotting analysis in Dahl salt‐sensitive (Dahl‐S) rats. Top panels, Western blotting representative bands; bottom panels, statistical analysis of band density standardized for GAPDH for: (A) total ERK1/2; (B) TGFβ‐1 (total; mature form); (C) total SMAD4; (D) total MAPK3; (E) collagen‐1; (F) the ratio of phosphorylated PKCδ (p‐PKCδ) to total PKCδ protein; and (G) total Friend leukemia integration 1 transcription factor (Fli‐1) in the left ventricles of Dahl‐S rats. Each bar represents the mean±standard error of the mean of at least 3 measurements, n=7 per group. By 1‐way ANOVA followed by Neuman–Keuls post hoc test: *P<0.05, HS control [HSC] vs low salt control [LSC]; † P 0.05, high salt (HS) with anti‐marinobufagenin antibody (AB) (HSAB) vs HSC.