Figure 2.
Snapshots of RBCs deformed because of parasite adhesion with a side contact, including small (left column) and large (right column) merozoites. Interaction strengths from top to bottom are ϵa/kBT = 1, 4, 7, 10 for the small merozoite and ϵa/kBT = 1, 2, 4, 5.4 for the large parasite. Depending on the interaction strength, the parasite induces membrane deformations of various intensity. These deformations are classified visually by a deformation index Id (see Table 2) and quantified by the deformation energy ΔErbc shown in Fig. 3. Because of the interaction strength and partial wrapping of the parasite by the membrane, the parasite reorients itself toward a configuration with a minimal total energy and shows no significant motion afterwards; see Videos S1 and S2. Here, a = 0 (homogeneous adhesion). To see this figure in color, go online.