(A) Inferred relation between NA area A and its integrin content Nin as determined by conditional expectation analysis. Bayesian inference is used to determine an empirical relation between A and Nin under the assumption that NAs are circular. After digitizing the distributions of NA diameters and their integrin contents published in (18), a relation between them is quantified. A 99.95% confidence interval is plotted in gray, demonstrating that the data generally exhibits a nonlinear relation between the two variables. The maximal a posteriori (MAP) estimate of this relation is also plotted as a dotted line, suggesting that NA area depends sigmoidally on Nin for small adhesions, whereas this dependence is linear for large adhesions (compare to dashed line). The nontrivial A-nullcline of the model, describing the relation between the two variables near equilibrium as defined by Eq. 2 (solid line), is fitted to the MAP estimate in the nonlinear phase and found to be in agreement. (B) The computed integrin density inside the adhesion, Nin/A(Nin), is given. Estimates are computed from the data-derived MAP estimate of A(Nin) (dotted line) and from the model prediction for A(Nin) given by Eq. 2 (solid line). Both curves exhibit a linear increase in integrin density with respect to Nin for Nin ∈ [50, 190]. (C) The probability distribution of integrin densities is shown. Black line: probability density function P(Nin/A) = P(Nin)[d(Nin/A(Nin))/dNin]−1, where A(Nin) is given by Eq. 2; gray line: cumulative density function.