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. 2019 Jul 15;10(5):985–999. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.12462

Table 2.

Sensitivity analysis for strength as a predictor of limited physical performance and for low ALM as a predictor of low strength across subgroups in the Canadian longitudinal study on aging cohort, 2011–2015

N Prevalence low HGS (%) OR (95% CI) for impaired physical performance P for interactiona OR (95% CI) for low HGS
Low HGS Prevalence low ALM (%) Low ALM P for interactionb
Overall 4725 21.5 4.51 (3.58, 5.68) 21.7 3.02 (2.59, 3.52)
65–74 2878 14.8 4.50 (2.87, 7.04) 0.162 16.3 2.71 (2.14, 3.43) 0.777
≥75 1847 32.0 3.09 (2.34, 4.07) 30.0 2.59 (2.10, 3.19)
Nutritional risk (SCREEN II‐AB)
Yes 1332 24.2 3.09 (2.34, 4.07) 0.304 22.1 3.79 (2.87, 5.00) 0.058
No 3393 20.5 4.50 (2.89, 7.04) 21.5 2.74 (2.28, 3.30)
Heart disease
Yes 1029 25.4 4.79 (3.17, 7.24) 0.640 21.4 2.79 (2.04, 3.84) 0.558
No 3696 20.4 4.25 (3.21, 5.62) 21.8 3.11 (2.61, 3.71)
Kidney disease
Yes 173 28.9 2.74 (0.97, 7.76) 0.339 28.9 4.47 (2.19, 9.10) 0.264
No 4552 21.2 4.61 (3.64, 5.84) 21.4 2.95 (2.52, 3.45)
Yes 273 26.0 3.55 (1.54, 8.20) 0.565 30.4 3.39 (1.92, 5.99) 0.667
No 4452 21.2 4.58 (3.61, 5.82) 21.1 2.98 (2.54, 3.49)
Type 2 diabetes
Yes 630 27.6 4.21 (2.57, 6.90) 0.853 19.7 4.01 (2.66, 6.05) 0.163
No 4095 20.6 4.44 (3.41, 5.76) 22.0 2.93 (2.48, 3.45)
Overall 4363 24.1 4.66 (3.67, 5.92) 13.7 2.46 (2.05, 2.95)
65–74 2706 15.4 5.43 (3.39, 8.70) 0.013 11.5 2.44 (1.86, 3.21) 0.483
≥75 1657 38.2 2.69 (2.02, 3.58) 17.3 2.14 (1.65, 2.76)
Nutritional risk (SCREEN II‐AB)
Yes 1427 27.4 2.69 (2.02, 3.58) 0.867 14.0 2.07 (1.51, 2.81) 0.168
No 2936 22.4 5.43 (3.39, 8.70) 13.5 2.70 (2.16, 3.37)
Heart disease
Yes 519 28.7 3.01 (1.77, 5.11) 0.081 12.7 2.52 (1.49, 4.26) 0.947
No 3844 23.4 5.11 (3.90, 6.70) 13.8 2.47 (2.03, 2.99)
Kidney disease
Yes 142 31.0 3.30 (1.25, 8.67) 0.480 16.9 0.70 (0.26, 1.91) 0.012
No 4221 23.8 4.72 (3.69, 6.05) 13.6 2.58 (2.15, 3.10)
Yes 318 27.4 3.31 (1.64, 6.66) 0.314 15.7 2.22 (1.18, 4.15) 0.736
No 4045 23.8 4.85 (3.75, 6.26) 13.5 2.48 (2.05, 3.00)
Type 2 diabetes
Yes 376 27.4 4.48 (2.41, 8.34) 0.909 8.0 2.93 (1.38, 6.24) 0.663
No 3987 23.8 4.66 (3.59, 6.05) 14.2 2.47 (2.05, 2.98)

ALMI, appendicular lean mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; HGS, handgrip strength; SCREEN II‐AB, abbreviated Seniors in the Community Risk Evaluation for Eating and Nutrition, version II, score < 38 was considered as at risk of poor nutritional state.


Interaction for absence/presence of low HGS and subgroup characteristics in the prediction of impaired physical performance.


Interaction for absence/presence of low ALM and subgroup characteristics in the prediction of low HGS.