Calcium-dependent increase in myosin efficiency and its impact on motility. (a) Molecular motor myosin consumes energy in the form of ATP for mechanical work. The greater the heat loss in the hydrolysis of ATP by myosin, less is available for mechanical work and hence lower the efficiency (data presented are MEAN ± SEM, n = 4). Note the lower heat loss at higher calcium concentrations, hence greater efficiency. (b) Plot of panel a showing calcium dose dependence retention of fluorescence, hence less heat loss at increased calcium concentrations. (c) Schematic diagram of a motility assay setup. Myosin attached to the surface of the coverslip is used to observe and measure motility of fluorescently labeled actin filaments. (d) Myosin motility assay demonstrates decreased motility with increased calcium (see Supporting Information, Table 3S), suggesting an energy-speed-precision trade-off as previously reported19 (data presented are MEAN ± SEM, n = 4, *p < 0.02).