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. 2019 Jul 8;31(10):1264–1277. doi: 10.1037/pas0000743

Table 4. Multiple-Group CFA (Model 2b) for 26 DEMQOL-Proxy Items (Unstandardised Factor Loadings With Bootstrapped Standard Errors): Scalar Invariance Estimates.

Item DEMQOL (n = 1404), DEMQOL-Proxy EL (n = 909), DEMQOL-Proxy ES (n = 495) h2 GEN SE NEG SE APP SE FIN SE COG SE
Note. GEN = general HRQL; NEG = negative emotion; APP = worries about physical appearance; FIN = worries about finance-related tasks; COG = worries about cognition. Model fit from non-bootstrapped results: χ2 = 2,254.917 (df = 648), English (EL) χ2 = 934.728, Spanish (ES) χ2 = 1,320.188. Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = .059 (90% confidence interval [CI] = .057, .062), comparative fit index (CFI) = .943. DIFFTEST χ2 = 405.844 (Δdf = 86), p < .0001. h2 = communalities.
a Unstandardized factor loading fixed at value of 1. Numbers in italics are values of Standard Error (SE).
2 Worried or anxious .57 .73 .05 1.00 a
3 Frustrated .56 .64 .05 1.21 .11
5 Sad .52 .71 .06 1.20 .10
7 Distressed .43 .84 .06 1.01 .08
9 Irritable .26 .47 .06 1.07 .12
10 Fed-up .27 .80 .05 1.06 .10
12 Memory in general .60 .76 .06 1.00 a
13 Forget long ago things .71 .68 .06 .79 .08
14 Forget recent things .78 .88 .06 1.21 .07
15 Forget people’s names .80 .77 .05 .81 .08
16 Forget where he/she is .73 .77 .06 .60 .08
17 Forget what day it is .68 .87 .05 .75 .08
18 Thoughts muddled .71 .98 .05 .81 .10
19 Difficulty deciding .68 .94 .05 .76 .10
20 Making self understood .58 .87 .05 .57 .10
21 Keeping clean .89 .76 .07 1.00 a
22 Keeping looking nice .94 .78 .06 1.00 a
23 Get things from shops .72 .88 .05 1.00 a
24 Using money to pay .88 .88 .06 1.31 .12
25 Looking after finances .85 .83 .06 1.31 .12
26 Things take longer .49 .95 .05
27 Get in touch with people .57 1.00 a
28 Not enough company .40 .88 .05
29 Not being able to help .69 .91 .04
30 Not playing a useful part .68 .92 .05
31 His/her physical health .53 .72 .05
Factor variance (EL) .52 .25 .51 .21 .28
Factor variance (ES) 1.80 1.15 1.66 1.04 2.43
Factor means (ES) .12ns .84 −.87 .20ns 1.13