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. 2019 Oct 29;14(10):e0224392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224392

Table 1. Characteristics of pneumococcal carriage survey participants in Lao PDR, conducted before and two years after PCV13 introduction.

Characteristics 5–8 week old infants
(n = 999)a
12–23 month old children
(n = 1,010)a
Survey, n (%)
Pre-PCV13 498 (49.9) 503 (49.8)
Two years post-PCV13 501 (50.2) 507 (50.2)
Age. median (IQR)b 6.7 weeks
16.6 months
Male sex, n (%) n = 998
509 (51.0)
484 (47.9)
Ethnicity, n (%) n = 998
Lao Loum 964 (96.6) 963 (95.4)
Lao Thung 3 (0.3) 13 (1.3)
Hmong 27 (2.7) 30 (3.0)
Other 4 (0.4) 4 (0.4)
Rural residence, n (%) 70 (7.0) 470 (46.5)
URTIc symptoms, n (%) 162 (16.2) 625 (61.9)
Antibiotic use in the previous two weeks, n (%) n = 997
29 (2.9)
n = 1,007
405 (40.2)
Exposure to household cigarette smoke, n (%) n = 996
366 (36.8)
n = 1,007
440 (43.7)
Primary household fuel source, n (%) n = 1,007
wood 164 (16.4) 227 (27.5)
charcoal 510 (51.1) 482 (47.8)
kerosene 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
gas 179 (19.7) 153 (15.2)
electricity 145 (15.4) 95 (9.4)
Two or more children < 5 years in the household, n (%) n = 998
409 (41.0)
349 (34.6)
Below poverty lined, n (%) 109 (10.6) 70 (6.9)
Delivered by Caesarean section, n (%) 238 (23.8) 179 (17.7)
Current breastfeeding, n (%) n = 998
844 (84.6)
n = 1,009
201 (19.9)
PCV13 vaccinatede, n (%) 0 (0.0) n = 1,000
448 (44.8)

aIf participant data were missing for an individual variable, results for that variable were excluded and the denominator used was the number of participants with data available.

bIQR = interquartile range

cURTI = upper respiratory tract infection

dDefined as $1.25 USD/day

eReceived 2 or 3 doses of PCV13