Figure 4.
CX43 was a direct target of miR-139-5p, and was negatively modulated by miR-139-5p. (A) The binding sites between CX43 and miR-139-5p were predicted by Targetscan. (B) The relative luciferase activity of CX43-wt and CX43-mut. (C) The relative mRNA expression level of CX43 in ECV-304 cells. (D) The protein expression of CX43 in ECV-304 cells. (E) Quantification of (D). ∗P < 0.01 compared with mimic NC group. CX43: Connexin 43; MiR-139-5p: MicroRNA-139-5p; mut: Mutant type; NC: Negative control; wt: Wild type.