(A and B) EC permeability assay upon treatment of HUVECs with optimal (A) or suboptimal (B) concentrations of rhANGPTL4, rhVEGFA, or both. (C) Vascular permeability assay following intraretinal injection with 1 μl of PBS or rmVEGFA, rmANGPTL4, or both. (D and E) KDR phosphorylation on Tyr951 and Tyr1059 upon treatment of HUVECs (D) or hREC (E) with different doses of rhANGPTL4 (μg/mL), rhVEGFA (ng/mL), or both. (F) EC permeability assay upon treatment with rhANGPTL4, rhcANGPTL4, rhnANGPTL4 (μg/mL), or none (control) in HUVECs. VEFGA (50 ng/mL) served as a control. (G) Destabilization of the vascular AJs (β-catenin staining) and TJs (ZO1 staining) of hREC monolayers treated for 6 hours with PBS (control) or rhcANGPTL4 (5 μg/mL). Original magnification, ×20. (H) KDR phosphorylation in Tyr951 and Tyr1059 upon treatment of HUVECs with rhcANGPTL4 (μg/mL). One-way ANOVA (A, B, C, F). **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Experiments were repeated at least 3 times.