Figure 3. Deconvolution of samples containing known mAbs.
Neutralization profiles of samples containing single-reference mAbs or combinations of reference mAbs were used as input into the deconvolution algorithm. Each 2- or 3-mAb combination included 5 μg/mL or 3.3 μg/mL of each mAb, respectively. These neutralization profiles were determined in a single experiment, with neutralization of each HCVpp measured in duplicate. Reference mAb profiles were averaged from 4 or 5 independent experiments. Values are the proportion of the neutralization activity of the sample attributed to each reference mAb by the deconvolution analysis. Proportions greater than 0.10 are highlighted in gray. P values indicate the Pearson correlation of the neutralization profiles of spiked-in mAbs with a combined reference mAb neutralization profile comprising the indicated proportion of each reference mAb (see Methods and Supplemental Figure 1).