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. 2019 Oct 29;19:390. doi: 10.1186/s12884-019-2486-1

Table 8.

Logit Model Results of Late/No PNC in Total Study Population (WA + FL)

Baseline Period (n=270775) Period 1 (n=195921) Period 2 (n=178254)
Coef-ficient Robust SE 95% Conf. Interval Coeff-icient Robust SE 95% Conf. Interval Coef-ficient Robust SE 95% Conf. Interval
Maternal Race/Ethnicity
Non-Hispanic White (1) referent referent referent
Hispanic White (2) 0.0840 0.0554 -0.0245 - 0.1925 0.0090 0.0479 -0.0848 - 0.1028 0.0334 0.0427 -0.0504 - 0.1171
Non-Hispanic Black (3) 0.2247* 0.0365 0 .1532 - 0.2962 0.2509* 0.0403 0.1720 - 0.3298 0.2578* 0.0307 0.1977 - 0.3180
< 14 years (1) 1.3213* 0.0702 1.1838 - 1.4588 1.3342* 0.0893 1.1592 - 1.5092 1.3447 0.1420* 1.0664 - 1.6230
15-19 years (2) 0.6644* 0.0442 0.5779 - 0.7510 0.6259* 0.0635 0.5015 - 0.7504 0.6003* 0.0382 0.5255 - 0.6751
20-24 years (3) 0.4019* 0.0361 0.3311 - 0.4727 0.4602* 0.0394 0.3831 - 0.5374 0.3830* 0.0256 0.3329 - 0.4331
25-29 years (4) 0.1402* 0.0242 0.0927 - 0.1877 0.1640* 0.0323 0.1007 - 0.2274 0.1581* 0.0232 0.1126 - 0.2036
30-34 years (5) referent referent referent
35-39 years (6) 0.0371 0.0289 -0.0195 - 0.0937 0.0618* 0.0305 0.0020 - 0.1215 0.1214* 0.0523 0.0190 - 0.2239
40+ years (7) 0.5232* 0.0669 0.3921 - 0.6544 0.4838* 0.0552 0.3757 - 0.5918 0.3337* 0.0764 0.1840 - 0.4835
Marital Status
Married (1) referent referent referent
Not Married (0) 0.3268* 0.0206 0.2864 - 0.3673 0.3368* 0.0339 0.2703 - 0.4034 0.2760* 0.0233 0.2303 - 0.3217
Foreign-Born Status
Not Foreign-Born (0) referent referent referent
Foreign-Born (1) 0.2781* 0.0675 0.1458 - 0.4105 0.2366* 0.0533 0.1321 - 0.3410 0.2000* 0.0469 0.1080 - 0.2919
Less than HS education (1) 0.5444* 0.0486 0.4492 - 0.6396 0.4801* 0.0531 0.3750 - 0.5842 0.3942* 0.0494 0.2974 - 0.4910
HS diploma or GED (2) 0.2214* 0.0313 0.1602 - 0.2827 0.1641* 0.0360 0.0935 - 0.2347 0.1924* 0.0269 0.1397 - 0.2451
Some College (3) referent referent referent
Age <20; ed attainment not assessed (4) 0.3924* 0.0412 0.3116 - 0.4731 0.3712* 0.0439 0.2851 - 0.4572 0.2897* 0.0401 0.2111 - 0.3683
Insurance Payer
Medicaid (1) 0.7979* 0.0419 0.7157 - 0.8800 0.8669* 0.0486 0.7716 - 0.9621 0.8214* 0.0494 0.7246 - 0.9182
Private Insurance (2) referent referent referent
Self-Pay/ Uninsured (3) 1.0720* 0.0718 .9313419 1.21263 1.2122* 0.0652 1.0844 - 1.3401 1.0784* 0.0751 0.9311 - 1.2256
Other (Indian Health Service, CHAMPUS, Tricare, etc.) (8) 0.5480* 0.1433 0.2672 - 0.8289 0.5433* 0.1654 0.2192 - 0.8674 0.6496* 0.1162 0.4218 - 0.8774
Unknown (9) 0.4226* 0.1593 0.1104 - 0.7348 0.5182* 0.1979 0.1303 - 0.9061 0.5764* 0.1690 0.2452 - 0.9077
WIC Enrollment Status
Yes WIC (1) -0.0564 0.0307 -0.1166 - 0.0039 -0.0463 0.0351 -0.1151 - 0.0224 -0.0363 0.0407 -0.1161 - 0.0435
No WIC (0) referent referent referent
Unemployment Rate -0.0121 0.0552 -0.1204 - 0.0962 -0.0032 0.0075 -0.0179 - 0.0116 -0.0061 0.0310 -0.0668 - 0.0546
Community Poverty -0.2033 0.1094 -0.4177 - 0.0111 -0.2882* 0.1337 -0.5501 -0.0262 -0.3882* 0.1345 -0.6518 -0.1246
Median HH Income 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 - 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -3.48e-06 - 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -9.57e-06 - 0.0000
Core Based Statistical Area
Metro-politan (1) referent referent referent
Micro-politan (2) 0.0604 0.1059 -0.1471 - 0.2680 0.0140 0.1182 -0.2176 0.2456 0.1245 0.1051 -0.0816 - 0.3306
Rural (3) -0.0860 0.1351 -0.3508 - 0.1789 -0.1549 0.1430 -0.4352 - 0.1255 -0.1983 0.1714 -0.5342 - 0.1377
Gini Coefficient -0.1083 1.6231 -3.2895 - 3.0730 -1.4975 1.7262 -4.8808 - 1.8857 -1.2660 1.7388 -4.6740 - 2.1420
Percent Republican 0.0097* 0.0034 0.0031 - 0.0163 0.0121* 0.0044 0.0035 - 0.0208 0.0140* 0.0048 0.0047 - 0.0234
Per Capita MDs (GPs and FM) -10.7779* 5.2387 -21.0455 -0.5104 -6.9354 4.6536 -16.0562 - 2.1854 -6.461736 5.1762 -16.6070 - 3.6835
LHD Per Capita 2MCH Expenditures 0.0073 0.0062 -0.0048 - 0.0193 0.0139* 0.0059 0.0023 - 0.0254 0.0190* 0.0061 0.0071 - 0.0309
LHD Per Capita WIC Expenditures -0.0060 0.0187 -0.0427 - 0.0306 -0.0070 0.0171 -0.0405 - 0.0264 -0.0143 0.0200 -0.0535 - 0.0249
Florida (1) referent referent referent
Washington (2) 0.4144 0.2325 -0.0413 - 0.8702 0.4335* 0.2076 0.0267 - 0.8404 0.3912 0.2105 -0.0214 - 0.8038
Constant -3.3989 1.0361 -5.4296 -1.3683 -3.3255* 0.9594 -5.2059 -1.4452 -3.23935 1.2188

-5.6281 -


*P < .05 was used to establish statistical significance and is indicated with an asterisk(*)