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. 2019 Oct 2;18(3):77–95. doi: 10.12779/dnd.2019.18.3.77

Table 2. Results of neuropsychological tests for AD dementia group, MCI due to AD group, normal preclinical AD group, and total participants.

Neuropsychological test AD dementia MCI due to AD Preclinical AD Total
Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Number Mean±SD
Forward digit span 5.2±1.6 6.0±1.4 6.1±1.8 249 5.6±1.6
Backward digit span 3.0±1.4 3.8±1.1 4.1±1.5 246 3.4±1.3
K-BNT 34.0±13.5 41.9±10.6 48.5±6.3 238 38.5±12.8
Visuospatial function
RCFT: copying 19.8±12.0 29.1±7.4 31.8±6.0 245 24.7±11.0
CDT 2.0±0.9 2.5±0.8 2.8±0.5 193 2.3±0.9
SVLT: immediate recall 10.9±5.3 14.4±4.2 20.9±5.0 249 13.2±5.6
SVLT: delayed recall 0.7±1.3 1.6±2.1 7.2±2.1 249 1.6±2.5
SVLT: recognition 15.5±2.9 18.1±2.6 21.2±1.5 249 17.1±3.2
RCFT: immediate recall 3.0±3.4 6.2±4.9 14.4±6.2 244 5.3±5.4
RCFT: delayed recall 1.8±3.0 5.5±4.9 14.0±5.9 244 4.4±5.4
RCFT: recognition 15.4±2.8 17.8±2.5 19.4±2.8 244 16.7±3.0
Frontal/executive function
COWAT: animal 8.4±4.5 12.0±4.5 14.4±5.1 249 10.4±5.0
COWAT: supermarket 8.0±5.1 12.5±5.5 17.0±6.1 234 10.6±6.1
COWAT: phonemic 15.0±10.9 22.1±10.9 24.2±13.5 220 18.8±11.7
Stroop test: color reading 36.7±26.8 63.9±29.0 82.2±25.3 229 52.5±31.8
TMT-B 188.6±107.1 92.5±86.9 66.9±39.0 184 134.2±106.4
DSC 30.6±17.1 63.9±29.0 82.2±25.3 183 37.2±17.9

Number represents number of patients whose data were available for analysis.

AD: Alzheimer's disease, MCI: mild cognitive impairment, SD: standard deviation, K-BNT: Korean version of the Boston Naming Test, RCFT: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, CDT: Clock Drawing Test, SVLT: Seoul Verbal Learning Test, COWAT: Controlled Oral Word Association Test, TMT-B: part B of the Trail Making Test, DSC: Digit Symbol Coding.