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. 2019 Oct 25;13:3705–3715. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S207856

Table 1.

Demographic And Clinical Characteristics At Treatment Start For The Evaluable Treated Renal And Cardiac Cohorts

Characteristic Evaluable Treated Renal Cohort Evaluable Treated Cardiac Cohort
Female Male Total Female Male Total
Patients, n 62 90 152 34 35 69
White race, n (%) 60 (96.8) 85 (94.4) 145 (95.4) 30 (88.2) 33 (94.3) 63 (91.3)
Median (range) age at treatment start, years 48.75 (17.9–67.3) 34.35 (18.0–66.8) 39.95 (17.9–67.3) 46.70 (3.7–67.3) 28.20 (4.0–54.2) 38.80 (3.7–67.3)
Median (range) time from start of ERT to FOS data extraction, years 12.50 (10.1–17.1) 14.40 (10.1–18.4) 13.30 (10.1–18.4) 12.75 (10.1–16.5) 14.30 (10.2–17.1) 13.60 (10.1–17.1)
Mean (SD) blood pressure at baseline in adult patients, mm Hg
 Systolic 125.0 (17.9) n=55 125.1 (15.4) n=81 125.1 (16.4) n=136 123.7 (17.4) n=30 122.5 (11.2) n=33 123.1 (14.4) n=63
 Diastolic 73.3 (12.0) n=55 75.2 (11.8) n=81 74.4 (11.9) n=136 72.6 (10.7) n=30 72.9 (11.8) n=33 72.8 (11.2) n=63
Mean (SD) total FOS-MSSI score 20.48 (8.43) n=62 21.48 (10.16) n=90 21.08 (9.48) n=152 21.04 (9.99) n=34 21.57 (10.09) n=35 21.31 (9.97) n=69
Patients who received ACE/ARB medications, n (%) 41 (66.1) n=62 73 (83.9) n=87 114 (76.5) n=149 23 (67.6) n=34 26 (74.3) n=35 49 (71.0) n=69
Patients with urinary protein ≥1.0 g/24 hrs at baseline, n (%) 3 (6.7) n=45 9 (12.9) n=70 12 (10.4) n=115 3 (11.5) n=26 5 (17.9) n=28 8 (14.8) n=54
Mean (SD) baseline eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2 80.40 (17.99) n=62 95.00 (29.68) n=90 89.04 (26.49) n=152 NA NA NA
Patients in eGFR category <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 at baseline, n (%) 10 (16.1) n=62 11 (12.2) n=90 21 (13.8) n=152 6 (20.0) n=30 4 (14.8) n=27 10 (17.5) n=57
Mean (SD) baseline LVMI, g/m2.7 NA NA NA 52.21 (16.99) n=34 49.13 (16.92) n=35 50.65 (16.90) n=69
Patients with LVH at baseline, n (%) 25 (58.1) n=43 23 (48.9) n=47 48 (53.3) n=90 18 (52.9) n=34 14 (40.0) n=35 32 (46.4) n=69
Mean (SD) baseline PWTD, mm NA NA NA 11.6 (2.5) n=34 11.1 (3.2) n=35 11.3 (2.9) n=69

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ERT, enzyme replacement therapy; FOS, Fabry Outcome Survey; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; LVMI, left ventricular mass index; MSSI, Mainz severity score index; NA, not available; PWTD, left ventricular posterior wall thickness in diastole.