Neotissue formation and remodeling in arterial and venous TEVGs. Histologic and immunohistochemical evaluation of
explanted arterial grafts at 6 (A, F, K, P) and 12 (B, G, L, Q) weeks post implantation and explanted venous grafts at 6 (C, H, M,
R), 12 (D, I, N, S), and 24 (E, J, O, T) weeks post implantation. MT (A-E) identified extracellular matrix deposition, vWF (F-J)
demonstrated the development of a confluent endothelial cell monolayer by 12 weeks in both groups, F4/80 (K-O) identified
macrophage infiltration and proliferation and MMP-2 (P-T) evidenced ECM turnover and active tissue remodeling. All
photomicrographs at 40× magnification. Scale bar = 50μm.