Fig. 6.
Predicting electrospun TEVG modulus and diameter over 15 weeks. Simulated evolution of normalized loaded TEVG diameter and PCLA modulus in the IAA (A) and IVC (B), as predicted by G&R. Diameters are normalized by initial unloaded graft diameter and modulus is normalized by initial modulus. Computational predictions indicated a slight narrowing of IVC TEVG diameter associated with modulus loss of the scaffold due to the pre-stretch of deposited matrix in G&R. Parameters incorporated into the model are defined in Table 2. In the artery, the TEVG was predicted to rapidly dilate concurrent with loss of scaffold integrity. The simulated trends in diameter change are similar to those observed in vivo and validate the utility of in silico studies prior to in vivo experiments when assessing novel biodegradable vascular conduits.