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. 2017 May 3;24(5):760–769. doi: 10.1080/13218719.2017.1315764
Study Original item phrasing Rephrased item
Allen and Nightingale (1997) Believability of the victim's testimony This child's testimony was believable
Bornstein, Kaplan, and Perry (2007) How truthful the disclosure was This child's disclosure is truthful
Bottoms and Goodman (1994) (wording of items not reported) Accuracy regarding the time frame of abuse events  
  Accuracy regarding the number of abuse incidents This child's version of events was not accurate
  Accuracy regarding description of the setting of abuse  
  Accuracy regarding description of the abuse  
  Truthfulness in answering questions This child was truthful in responding to questions
  Consistency of testimony There was consistency within this child's version of events
  Ability to distinguish fact from fantasy This child understands the difference between fantasy and reality
  Likelihood that the witness fabricated allegations It is likely that this child fabricated the allegations
Bottoms, Nysse-Carris, Harris, and Tyda (2003) Whether the victim honestly believed the abuse charge This child had a false belief regarding these events
  Likelihood that [the child] fabricated the abuse charge It is likely that this child fabricated the abuse charge
Brigham (1998) Likelihood that [the victim] is telling the truth It is likely that this child is telling the truth
Davies et al. (2013) (wording of items not reported) Dependable witness This child's testimony can be depended upon
  Reliable witness There were inconsistencies in this child's testimony
  Trustworthy account This child provided a trustworthy account of events
  Victim's statement credible This child's statement was credible
  Victim memory This child had a good memory for the events
  Victim's statement accurate This child was able to provide a competent recount of events
  Victim truthful This child was truthful
Davies and Rogers (2009) How competent do you think the average child of [victim name]'s age is at giving accurate information about this kind of event? The average child of this age is competent at giving accurate information about this kind of event
  How much do you believe that [victim name] will be able to give an accurate description of what happened to the police? This child will be able to give an accurate description of what happened to the court
  To what extent do you believe that [victim name] is telling the truth about this event? This child was telling the truth about these events
  To what extent would you trust a typical child of [victim name]'s age to be telling the truth? I would trust a typical child of this age to be telling the truth
  Children of [victim name]'s age do not lie about events of this kind because they do not know enough about sex to make up such stories Children of this age do not lie about events of this kind because they do not know enough about sex to make up such stories
Esnard and Dumas (2013) Do you think that [victim name]'s testimony is credible? This child's testimony was credible
Golding, Alexander, and Stewart (1999) Belief of the witness [victim] testifying I believe the abuse occurred
McCauley and Parker (2001) (wording of items not reported) Credibility This child was a credible witness
  Honesty This child's testimony was provided honestly
  Memory This child is not a competent witness
Nunez, Kehn, and Wright (2011) [The victim] knows the difference between truth and lie This child understands the difference between truth and lie
  [The victim] is trusted by adults This child is trustworthy
  [The victim] can be trusted This child can be trusted
  S/he's [the victim] reliable and dependable This child is reliable
    This child is dependable
  [The victim] is honest This child was honest
O'Donohue, Elliott, Nickerson, and Valentine (1992) The child [victim] was telling the truth. The child was telling the truth
O'Donohue and O'Hare (1997) [Victim name] is telling the truth The child was telling the truth
O'Donohue, Smith, and Schewe (1998) The child [victim] is telling the truth The child was telling the truth
Pozzulo et al. (2010) How accurate do you find the alleged victim's testimony? This child's testimony was accurate
  How believable do you find the alleged victim's testimony? This child's testimony was believable
  How credible do you find the alleged victim's testimony? This child's testimony was credible
  How reliable do you find the alleged victim's testimony? This child's testimony was reliable
  How truthful do you find the alleged victim's testimony? This child's testimony was truthful
Rogers and Davies (2007) (wording of items not reported) Typical child accuracy A typical child of this age would have an accurate memory for such events
  Victim accuracy This child's memory for events was accurate
  Victim truth This child was lying
Rogers, Josey, and Davies (2007) [Victim name] would not be able to lie about this event because a child of her age would be too naïve to know about such sexual details This child would not be able to lie about this event because a child of this age is too naïve to know about sexual details
  An account of this type of event given by a child of [victim name]'s age will be accurate An account of this type of event given by a child of this age will be accurate
  A child of [victim name]'s age can competently give an accurate account of this type of event A child of this age can competently give an accurate account of this type of event
Rogers, Lowe, and Boardman (2014) [Victim name]'s memory of the incident is likely to be unreliable This child's memory of the incident is likely to be unreliable
  [Victim name] is telling the truth about what happened This child was telling the truth about these events
Rogers, Wczasek, and Davies (2011) (wording of items not reported) Victim truthfulness This child was truthful
  Victim age truthfulness This child cannot be trusted to give a truthful account
  Victim age competence This child is not old enough to be a competent witness
  Victim age lie/naïvety This child is capable of lying
Rubin and Thelen (1996) How likely is it that the victim is telling the truth? It is likely that the child is telling the truth
Wiley and Bottoms (2009) How credible do you think [victim name] was (in other words, how believable was [victim name])? This child was not a credible witness
    This child was not believable