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. 2019 Oct 24;24(43):1800696. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.43.1800696

Table. Summary of studies reviewed, indicating composition of reference datasets used for attribution analysis of human Campylobacter infections to animal or environmental sources, 2001−2017 (n = 25 studies).

Poultry/chicken Ruminant/cattle/sheep Environmental/wild bird dataset(s) Multiple sample types per source Number of source populations Years (max) between clinical and reference isolates
C. jejuni C. coli
Bessell (2012) [46] Chicken Ruminant Wild bird Yes 3 NA 16
Boysen (2014) [14] Poultry Cattle NA Yes 5 NA 1a
Cody (2015) [22] Chicken Cattle, sheep Wild bird No 4 NA 14
Di Giannatale (2016) [23] Chicken Cattle, small ruminant Wild bird, environmental Yes 6 NA No data
French (2008) [24] Chicken Cattle, sheep Wild bird, environmental water Yes 5 NA 3a
Jonas (2015) [25] Chicken Cattle NA Yes 3 3 6
Kittl (2013) [26] Chicken NA NA Yes 2 2 10a
Kovac (2018) [27] Poultry Cattle Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 3 NA 12a
Levesque (2013) [28] Chicken Cattle Environmental water, wild bird No 4 NA 2a
Mossong (2016) [29] Poultry Ruminant Environmental water Yes 4 4 10
Mughini Gras (2012) [30] Chicken Cattle, sheep Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 5 5 13
Mughini Gras (2013) [31] Chicken Cattle, sheep Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 5 5 13
Mullner (2009a) [16] Chicken Cattle, sheep Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 4 NA 3a
Mullner (2009b) [13] Chicken Cattle, sheep Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 4 NA 3a
Nohra (2016) [32] Poultry Ruminant Environmental water No NA 3 5
Rosner (2017) [33] Chicken Cattle NA Yes 5 5 10
Roux (2013) [34] Chicken Cattle, sheep NA Yes NA 4 1a
Sears (2011) [35] Poultry Cattle, sheep Environmental water Yes 4 NA 3a
Sheppard (2009) [36] Chicken Ruminant Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 3b 5b 16
Sheppard (2010) [37] Chicken Ruminant Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes NA 5 6
Smid (2013) [38] Chicken Cattle, sheep Environmental (inc. wild birds) Yes 4 4 28
Strachan (2009) [39] Chicken Cattle, sheep Wild bird No 5 5 6
Strachan (2013) [40] Chicken Cattle, sheep Wild bird No 5 5 2a
Thépault (2017) [41] Chicken Ruminant Environmental water Yes 3 NA 10
Wilson (2008) [17] Chicken Cattle and sheep Wild bird, water, sand Yes 8 NA 12

Inc.: including; NA: not applicable, whereby this species (C. jejuni or C. coli) or possible source was not included in the study.

a Clinical and attribution datasets from same temporal range.

b C. jejuni results expressed for ruminants; C. coli results expressed for cattle and sheep separately.