Table 1.
Formulation Comparisons Across the Five Dry Deposition Models
Modeling framework |
Vd(z) =
(Ra(z) + Rb +
Rc)−1 and |
and |
Aerodynamic resistance (Ra) | For stable conditions, For unstable conditions, |
For stable conditions, For unstable conditions, |
For stable conditions, For unstable conditions, |
For stable conditions, For unstable conditions, |
For stable conditions, For unstable conditions, |
Quasi-laminar sublayer resistance (Rb) | Rb = 2(κu*)−1(Dθ/Dc)2/3 | Rb = 2(κu*)−1(SC/Pr)2/3 | |||
Stomatal resistance (Rs)a |
Cuticular resistance (Rcut) | For dry surface, For wet surface, |
Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces; Rcut,dry for
O3 is adjusted if RH >70%: Rcut = Rcut,
dry(1 − FRH) + Rcut, wet ×
FRH FRH = (RH − 70)/30 |
Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces | Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces | |
In-canopy aerodynamic resistance (Rac) | Prescribed values | ||||
Ground resistance (Rg) | Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces; adjusted if frozen | Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces; adjusted if frozen | Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces; adjusted if frozen | Prescribed values for dry and wet surfaces; adjusted if frozen |
Note. Wst = the fraction of stomatal blocking under wet conditions; Rm/rm = the mesophyll resistance; z = reference height; z0 = the roughness length for momentum; L = the Obukhov length; κ = the von Karman’s constant; u* = the friction velocity; u = the mean wind speed; σθ = the standard deviation of the wind direction; Dθ = the thermal diffusivity; Dc = the molecular diffusivity of a specific gas; Sc = the Schmidt number; Pr = the Prandtl number for air; α = the constant depending on gas species; δ = the characteristic leaf dimension; fPAR = the environmental stress function of radiation; fT = the environmental stress function of temperature; fvpd = the environmental stress function of humidity; fw = the environmental stress function of leaf water potential; LAIsun = the total sunlit leaf area indexes; LAIshade = the total shaded leaf area indexes; PARsun = the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) received by sunlit leaves; PARshade = PAR received by shaded leaves; rs,min = the minimum leaf stomatal resistance for water vapor; Rs,min = the minimum canopy stomatal resistance for water vapor; An = net CO2 assimilation/photosynthesis rate; hs = the relative humidity (RH) fraction at the leaf surface, Cs = CO2 partial pressure at the leaf surface; P = the atmospheric pressure; m = the slope obtained by linear regression analysis of data from gas exchange experiments; b = the intercept obtained by linear regression analysis of data from gas exchange experiments; RG = the solar irradiation; Ts = surface air temperature; Rcutd0 = the reference value for dry cuticle resistance; Rcutw0 = the reference value for wet cuticle resistance; Rcut,dry = dry cuticle resistance; Rcut,wet = wet cuticle resistance; Rac0 = the reference value for in-canopy aerodynamic resistance; hfree = the free convection offset; iu = the turbulence intensity; Lc = a within canopy length scale; Re = the local Reynolds number.
Stomatal resistance for a specific gas x (Rs,x) is scaled by the ratio of molecular diffusivities (D) between the gas of interest and water vapor as follows: Rs,x = RsDH2O/Dx.