Figure 4.
Postnatal development of physiological properties of principal neurons in MEC. The postsynaptic side. A–D, Response properties of MEC LII principal neurons. Voltage responses of one typical LII principal neuron per age group: (A) P9–P11, (B) P12–P14, (C) P15–P17, and (D) P28–P30. E–H, Response properties of MEC LIII principal neurons. Voltage responses of one typical LIII principal neuron per age group: (E) P9–P11, (F) P12–P14, (G) P15–P17, and (H) P28–P30. N indicates number of neurons measured per age group. A–H, First column, Voltage responses of typical principal neurons to a weak hyperpolarizing and depolarizing 1 s current step just reaching firing threshold. Insets, Zoom of 20 ms, displaying the AP afterpotentials. Second column, The voltage responses to a ±200 pA step of 1 s. Third column, A voltage response of the same neuron shown in the first two columns in response to a ZAP stimulus. Fourth column, Membrane fluctuations recorded just below firing threshold. In all subfigures, the average membrane potential is indicated right below the individual voltage traces.