Wnt-Responsive Basal Cells Are Stem Cells in the Hard and Soft Palates
(A) A schematic diagram showing the lineage tracing strategy. Mice were injected with one-dose tamoxifen at the age of 3 months. The Wnt-responsive cells were analyzed 1 day (D), 5D, 30D, 90D, and 180D later.
(B–F) Wnt-responsive cells (green) were co-stained with β4 integrin (red, basement membrane). In the hard palate, (B) 1D chasing showing Wnt-responsive cells close to the basement membrane. These cells (C) expanded within 5D and (D) have established the clone in 30D. (E) 90D later, the clone enlarged and (F) the clone size was maintained in a 180D chasing. In the soft palate.
(G-K) (G) Wnt-responsive cells were first found in the basal layer and (H) the clones were quickly formed within 5D. (I) By 30D, the clone expanded and was maintained through (J) 90D and (K) 180D chasing.
(L) Quantification of GFP+ve basal cells, defined as GFP+ve cells that colocalized with the β4 integrin, in both the hard and soft palates at indicated time points (n = 3, 5 sections for each mouse). Abbreviation: lp, lamia proper. Scale bars: 25 μm. Data represent mean ± SD. See also Figures S2 and S3.