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. 2019 Jul 5;40(6):1521–1546. doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00174

Table 7.

Bihormonal Closed-Loop Studies in Various Settings

System n Study Outcomes: Closed Loop vs Open Loop
Average Glucose ± SD [mg/dL (mmol/L)] % CGM Time 70–180 mg/dL (3.9–10.0 mmol/L) % CGM Time <70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L)
Median (IQR1, IQR3) or Median (IQR)
Bionic Pancreas 2010 (33)a 6 Fast PK controller 140 ± 9 (7.8 ± 0.5) Fast PK controller 74% Fast PK controller <1%
Slow PK controller 173 ± 18 (9.6 ± 1.0) Slow PK controller 56% Slow PK controller <1%
Bionic Pancreas 2014 (120)b 24 Meal priming 129 ± 8 (7.2 ± 0.4) Meal priming 80% 5.1% vs 3.6%
No meal priming 140 ± 8 (7.8 ± 0.4) No meal priming 70%
Bionic Pancreas 2014 (121) 20 Adults (no control group) 138 ± 14 (7.7 ± 0.8) Day 2–5 86.5% 4.8%
32 Adolescents 138 ± 18 (7.7 ± 1.0) vs 157 ± 27 (8.7 ± 1.5) Day 2–5 86.9% vs 66.7% 2.6% vs 3.3%
Bionic Pancreas 2016 (122) 19 Day 2–5 136.8 ± 10.8 (7.6 ± 0.6) vs 167.4 ± 30.6 (9.3 ± 1.7) 80.6% vs 57.6% <2.9% vs 6.1%
Bionic Pancreas 2017 (34) 43 140.4 ± 10.8 (7.8 ± 0.6) vs 162 ± 28.8 (9.0 ± 1.6) 78.4% vs 61.9% <60 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L)
0.65% vs 1.9%
Inreda bihormonal closed loop 2010 (123) 5 Not reported 60% vs 31% 11% vs 19%
Inreda bihormonal closed loop 2012 (124) 10 156.6 vs 162 (8.7 vs 9.0) (SD not reported) 61.2% vs 62.3% 4.1% vs 5.3%
Bihormonal: Oregon University 2014 (125) 7 153 (8.5) 73.10% 1.30%
Inreda bihormonal closed loop 2014 (126) 11 Day 1: 132 (40) [7.38 (2.23)] vs 149 (15) [8.27 (0.83)] Day 1: 79.2% vs 67.2% Day 1: 2.1% vs 0.7%
Day 2: 139 (41) [7.70 (2.29)] vs 159 (16) [8.84 (0.87)] Day 2: 76.5% vs 66.0% Day 2: 0% vs 2.8%
Inreda Diabetic 2016 (127) 10 133.2 (131.4–145.8) [7.4 (7.3–8.1)] vs 145.8 (133.2–167.4) [8.1 (7.4–9.3)] 84.7% vs 68.5% 1.3% vs 2.4%
Haidar 2013 (128) 15 140 ± 20 (7.8 ± 1.1) vs 142 ± 34 (7.9 ± 1.9) 70.7% (46.4%–88.4%) vs 57.3 (25.2–71.8) 0.0% (0.0%–3.0%) vs 10.2% (0.0%–13.0%)
Haidar 2015 (129) 25 167.4 ± 25.2 (9.3 ± 1.4) 72–180 mg/dL (4.0–10 mmol/L) <72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L)
Single hormone: 145.8 ± 30.6 (8.1 ± 1.7) Conventional 29% 3.4% (0–11.0) conventional therapy
Dual hormone: 138.6 ± 30.6 (7.7 ± 1.7) Single hormone 55% 3.1% (0.0–6.9) insulin only
Dual hormone 63% 0% dual hormone
Haidar 2016 (130) 28 Open Loop 121 (104–140) [6.7 (5.8–7.8)] 72–180 mg/dL (4.0–10 mmol/L) <72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L)
Single hormone 112 (104–122) [6.2 (5.8–6.8)] Open loop 70% (58%–81%) Open loop 14% (4%–28%)
Dual hormone 112 (104–126) [6.2 (5.8–7.0)] Single hormone 91% (76%–97%) Single hormone 5% (0%–13%)
Dual hormone 93% (81%–99%) Dual hormone 1% (0%–8%)

We use italics when our accepted standards for time in range and hypoglycemia thresholds were not used.

Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.


“Fast PK Group”: Model parameters include a 33-min time-to-peak (tmax) and 3.25-h time to 95% clearance (t95%). “Slow PK Group”: tmax of 65 min, t95% of 6.5 h.


Participants were randomized either to receive or not receive automatically adaptive meal-priming boluses.