Fig. 3. EA summer (June–August) sea-breeze and maximum Hadley circulation extent.
Zonal (June–August) sea-breeze circulation (left-hand column) indicated by wind barbs showing direction and magnitude (m/s; color scale) for the Danian (A), Lutetian (B), Rupelian (C), Tortonian (D), and preindustrial (E). Vertical black lines depict the maximum and minimum longitudinal extent of the EAM region (mean, 38.75°N to 20°N). Meridional vertical velocity (Pa/s; right-hand column) cross section (mean, 105°E to 112.5°E) in the EAM region showing the maximum northerly extent of the Hadley circulation in the boreal summer. Negative values indicate vertical ascent, while positive values indicate vertical descent for the Danian (F), Lutetian (G), Rupelian (H), Tortonian (I), and the preindustrial (J).