Demyelination in the cortex, corpus callosum and the hippocampal fissure of SHRSP/FAD rats. Sections were stained with Luxol fast blue to visualize changes in myelin distribution between the different strains. Qualitative evaluation by a blinded experimenter showed changes in myelin in both regions among the strains. Top panels show extensive, evenly spread Luxol fast blue staining, which densely labeled the corpus callosum (CC) of WKY rats. However, in FAD rats, there were dark patches of Luxol fast blue, interspersed with white patches of demyelination. In contrast to these minor changes in FAD rats, there was a notable loss of myelin patches in the CC and cortex of SHRSP and SHRSP/FAD groups. The top right panel shows a lacuna in the cortex-CC interface surrounded by a halo of demyelination (red arrow). There was no change in Luxol fast blue in the stratum molecular (SM) among strains, but in the FAD and SHRSP rats, there was some loss of myelin in the stratum radiatum (SR) and lucidum (SL) reflected by irregular patches of blue in the FAD rat, with more extensive loss in the SHRSP/FAD rats. The most pronounced loss of myelin was seen in the hippocampal fissure of SHRSP/FAD rats.