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. 2019 Oct 30;85(22):e01903-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01903-19


Acquired antibiotic resistance profile of S. Heidelberg isolates recovered after cecum incubation

Isolatea Antibiotic resistance phenotypeb Gene(s)/locic
SH-2813-Parentalphe Nal gyrA
SH-2813-Parentaltyr Nal gyrA
SH-4A-0.5h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA
SH-5A-0.5h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA
SH-6A-0.5h-Naltyr Nal, Cip gyrA, slyA, mprA
SH-10A-24h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA, 23S-5S rRNA ITS, corA
SH-11A-24h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA
SH-12A-24h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA, 23S-5S rRNA ITS
SH-13A-48h-Nalphe Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA, 23S 5S rRNA ITS, envZ
SH-14B-48h-Naltyr Nal, Cip (Inter), Fox (Inter), Chl (Inter), Str, Smx gyrA, slyA, mprA
SH-15A-48h-Naltyr Nal, Cip (Inter) gyrA, slyA
SH-13A-48h-NalAmpphe Nal, Cip (Inter), Cro, Amp, Sam, Fox, Caz, Cfz, Cpd, Cro, Cef, Pip, Tim gyrA, hscA, 23S ribosomal RNA, blaCMY-2
SH-14A-48h-NalAmpphe Nal, Cip (Inter), Fox, Str, Smx, Tet gyrA, Int, 23S-5S rRNA ITS, cpxA
SH-15A-48h-NalAmpphe Nal, Cip, Fox, Chl (Inter) gyrA, Lon, 23S-5S rRNA ITS, ccmF
SH-15B-48h-NalAmptyr Nal, Cip, Fox, Chl (Inter) gyrA, dinG, slyA, 16S-23S rRNA ITS

Parental S. Heidelberg strain was made spontaneously resistant to 200 ppm of nalidixic acid. A superscript indicates the Ser83 gyrA mutation associated with the nalidixic acid resistance carried by the isolate.


Abbreviations: Nal, nalidixic acid; Cip, ciprofloxacin; Str, streptomycin; Tet, tetracycline; Smx, sulfamethoxazole; Chl, chloramphenicol; Amc, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid; Amp, ampicillin; Sam, ampicillin-sulbactam; Fox, cefoxitin; Cro, ceftriaxone; Cfz, cefazolin; Cpd, cefpodoxime; Caz, ceftazidime; Cef, cefuroxime; Pip, piperacillin; Tim, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid; Inter, intermediate resistance.


Gene or loci that acquired a mutation. Boldface denotes antibiotic resistance gene carried on a plasmid. ITS, internal transcribed spacer.