FIG 6.
RT-qPCR transcriptional analysis of fab gene cluster in WT, ΔacrR, P-acrR, WT+, and acrR+ strains under ethanol stress. (A) Effects of acrR disruption on fab transcription in WT, ΔacrR, and P-acrR strains under 9% (vol/vol) ethanol stress. (B) Effects of acrR overexpression on fab transcription in WT+ and acrR+ strains under 9% (vol/vol) ethanol stress. Relative values were obtained using the transcription of gyrB as a reference. cDNA used as template in this experiment was diluted 1,000-fold. The x axis represents different genes. Values and standard deviations were calculated from three repeated samples. **, P < 0.01.